
The mission of the Julien and Virginia Cornell Library is to collect, to educate, and to collaborate in a service oriented environment that balances research, innovation, community and study.

  • To collect, we select, organize, maintain, evaluate and provide access to print and electronic library materials. We provide uninterrupted stewardship to insure the integrity of the collection.
  • To educate, not only do we teach and respond to inquiries, but we also develop instructional materials in anticipation of the needs of students, faculty, staff and members of the public.
  • To collaborate, we work together within the library and across campus. We serve as leaders and role models for library and school colleagues locally, nationally and internationally.

The Julien and Virginia Cornell Library at Vermont Law and Graduate School is a rich resource center for students and faculty. Overlooking the White River, the 35,000-square-foot library houses our collections and provides a variety of study spaces across four floors, including a highly specialized environmental law collection and the Environmental Reading Room. We are also fortunate to have a group of knowledgeable, service-oriented, and friendly staff at the Cornell Library.

Students, faculty and staff have access to the following:

  • More than 300,000 titles in library catalog, including e-books and streaming videos;
  • Lexis+ and Westlaw 
  • More than 90 specialized research databases such as HeinOnline, Greenwire, ChinaLawInfo & JSTOR

In addition to traditional library services such as research guides and interlibrary loan, the library also offers one-on-one research consultations, group study rooms for collaborative learning, stand-up desks, happy lights, and final exam support including candy bowls, puzzles, and more.

Librarians teach Legal Research and Writing to first-year students. Students interested in further developing their research skills can enroll in specialized Advanced Legal Research courses.

Librarians also serve as faculty liaisons, offering research sessions in classrooms and library service assistance to faculty and their research assistants.

On behalf of all of us in the Cornell Library, we look forward to welcoming you!